Wednesday, November 20, 2019

I am FIRE, Earth, Air, WATER (secret) 20.11.2019

to dream on OLD
as NEW, as wished for
where there were
only TWO -
woman and a man,
no STRINGS attached.

is it? IS?

Old fashioned it is :), indeed,
since then the one, he, the man
is only yours, no need to share
no reason for doubt

you have your own
matter of choice
these rules apply here
if you deem to,
if you need to...


all, loyalty and else
is in love, default
so hear, hear
is a friend to tell
you that this
or that
or those...

yeah, right
these are for you
your body laughs
your shreds are full
of fire!

you are fire
in wood
in flood
in water

you are

no Rules apply!

vote for the Singular Unity

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