Sunday, December 26, 2010

few views and reflections

while I have been wandering
crossing things and events with...
I've had reflections of theirs in me
some, my judge swallows them
yet, some sentiments are immense

these frenzied swirles I've been confronted,
have rised a scary inner mess in me
so I felt an urge for withdrawal from,
urge of retreating to cave of my own...

yes, there... yes - asking... can I fondle these
can I - handle these - real things...?
and my frantic mind runs crazy
of direct touch, of standing infront of
will I allways run, will I always turn?

reflections from the outer world
playing with imaginario scenarios
what stands for me forever
what goes, leaving undulation behind
waiting for become clear,
waiting for calm weather

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