Saturday, September 07, 2024

The Light of Love


I am the Light of Love
Standing on the Coast
of Eternal Ocean
Hope for arrival

I am
the Light of Hearth
At the Coast,
At Sea
Hope for Safe

So everyone
Could sail by,
everyone with
Their LoveSpark inside
Hope for Bliss

And I stand at Coast
Seen by all
and everyone
by their Light of Heart
being this all

Here's the Coast
There's the Coast
for all of you! know!
For all!

The Light of Love
cannot be divided
its always whole
Always whole
yet in everyone

You can receive 
This undivided Love
for becoming
the Light of Love
on your island
between the Ocean

I am called to be this Light
I've called me to be this Light
so my body would be
like a Lighthouse
at the Sea, at the Ocean
to wait and to be

Friday, September 06, 2024

The Love I feel

the Love I felt, I still do...
it's in my veins, bones..
within my heart.
I feel its blessing

through many eyes
are you, are you
I love, my Love
you're there, your eyes, 
I know, I feel, you're there

You're changing constantly
your face,
but feel inside
it's always same

I know you
You're there
besides me
I am besides
So we feel