Wednesday, December 29, 2010

time of no reply

something about you

about a Love and happiness
can I actually see its substance....
that everyone is this Love, and, that
I can be it well and always from my hearth...

so, what's wrong with a treasure
that everyone in hearth their's have ?
can't we see and feel inside
what for we need these others to acquire from

is that of pulling doors
for running into
the open space of subtle mind
to reach this light of understanding

and there it is
this feeling, giving and receiving for
this everchanging, always bright
love for life, for love, for breath

love you - say I - hearth from mine
from state of conciousness and soul
I'm standing here with love to share with...
can you bear, it 's shared with you and few...?

I love you from my hearth
and my hearth belongs to me
and my love is opened to you
and you are here, within my hearth!

Monday, December 27, 2010

upside down

upside down...for my other side of world
things and views that I got use to,
show their other side, plain with untrue beauty
I never realized (maybe or then not...)

upside down when world is
the ugly things I got use to
turn their ever face, with grace with fever,
turn their face for me to revel or tear

I'd see these landscapes I never noted
these hideous, locked views I've put aside for granted
these plain things what consisted
my ever life, supported truly backside, life

upside down.. in my upside town
by moving things and fragile touching
a state, of being bold or beautiful
for getting still in - for living blessness...

this song - 20-09.2010

This Song

last night I dreamed this song
we sang this with you
last night I dreamed this song
this came out with grace and beauty...

we were together, though you had to go...
we went to see my mother, father
my sons and briti came out to meet us and
this song rose out with grace and beauty

there was a house with weed growin' around
there was a house with room of plenty
behind of it was meadow with grass and flowers
and this song roseout with grace and beauty

we sang this song - you and me
I dreamed it so clearly last night...

oh shine... 21.09.2010

oh Shine on brightly

oh, shine

let the shine come out
let the everchanging light meet.

own your heart, your beat for living
know your best views would change
for infinitely wavering vane,
you see..

let the ONE shine come down on you
to bar your rhythm for
to sway your cradle
shine, thus is there better any...

in the house - 22.09.2010

I live in house...
I live in house for winds to blow
these windows open out for
air and what else is coming
I live in house, suddenly left empty...
these windows, open left and door.
wind is coming to greet, to fondle
my hair and cheek
soon the sun will come,
still, is that enough?
that is enough for me...?

26.09.2010, Heroes


I stood and all around
was to be sensed, not deemed
and this song came up
with slight sound - as almost nothing.

it came by gaining power,
to embrace, to rock my body.
my mouth was closed still...
and this scream of vote
assembling core of my soul.

I held it back, the Force to gain
empowering the rage
until it filled all that could be felt...

so I opened myself for
like thunder with a fury of might
to voice a note for outside world
felt this through my flesh and bones...

we could be heroes, for ever and ever...

Deep Blue

deep in the sea I am,
deep in the sea, where gone
I am, through the rush of current waves
I go, myself, white tail marking the way
I am this whale, I am this whale
looking for, singing a song
sometime meeting others
in dance of life, in dance of love...
so long... so long!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

little things...

house with tiny little, with comfort.
house that squires me, sure - in me
house in me with many pieces with - from
past, to last. is there any for renewation?
yes, no, maybe, will see... going forward...

this house..hold, with many pieces
some guests for a while.. not standing,
remaining, becoming constant ...
longing for that - yes, no, maybe?... will see

fish stor(e)y

hey there,
in beauty and blue
you are many in there...
hey, feel you lonely?
feel you tight?

there is so blue...

view of laughing

walking through
and talking softly
having a conversation
some laugh comes out...
some laugh
will stay for while
caressing streets
streets that see
yet standing still

oh dear, aren't these full of wonders...

few views and reflections

while I have been wandering
crossing things and events with...
I've had reflections of theirs in me
some, my judge swallows them
yet, some sentiments are immense

these frenzied swirles I've been confronted,
have rised a scary inner mess in me
so I felt an urge for withdrawal from,
urge of retreating to cave of my own...

yes, there... yes - asking... can I fondle these
can I - handle these - real things...?
and my frantic mind runs crazy
of direct touch, of standing infront of
will I allways run, will I always turn?

reflections from the outer world
playing with imaginario scenarios
what stands for me forever
what goes, leaving undulation behind
waiting for become clear,
waiting for calm weather

Friday, August 20, 2010

mida muud tuleb
ikka eestpoolt
vaata kuhu tahad

My Path

I commanded my Path
But now it's weak
From the limbs
I kept so hard
So, only itching
Reminds me
Of that commandment

Sunday, August 15, 2010

üles kaedes,
maa sülest
taeva poole

lõimekesi ilma teadet
liikumiste mustreid...
näen kuis liigub aeg

värve vahetes
toone segades
varje luues
meeled valla...


kõrred kõrvuti
järel ja ees

elud järjest

ees ja taga,
üks ja sama
on või?

mis tulemas,
mis vaates,
mis käega katsudes
ja suuga maitstes

kiirelt tulemas,
hetk ja läinud,
kas paned tähele?
meel katsu jääda kohale

windy story

blow the wind
blow the sail
blow the sail
to see these places
to meet these places
blow the wind
blow my sail, yes...